This plot of land, filled with dog fennel and sedge, sprouting live oak and buttonwood, blooming gaillarda and beach sunflower. This plot of land, worked by the hands of dozens in this community, rag tag as it is. These cabbage palms, the Ludwigia (Ludwigia leptocarpa) growing new leaves out of the top of seemingly dead last year's stalk, capeweed and ground cherry, vines and grasses. This verdant land.
Eucalyptus towering in the background, the anomalous exotic, planted by some other idea before the final plans for the school took shape. These trees that have drawn the most attention this past year, housing three settlements under their branches, notched tree limbs and ridiculous rope contraptions.
This palm hammock, where coyote and marsh rabbit roam, where hand to hand labor exhumes the twisted bodies of root mass and tangled strands of root that gave life to the carpet brush created by Brazilian pepper plants. Where clearings like this one appear where they were theorized not to have a chance.

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